Companies are frequently unaware that by making certain anti-competition decisions in the market, they are breaking the Law on protection of competition. For example, they discuss market division or prices with direct competitors, assert the price at which their products should be sold by buyers, ask their buyer to only sell their products within a certain category. These are just examples of a few anti-competitive behaviors that companies do, which can result in a fine amounting up to 10% of yearly revenue and a significant infringement on their reputation. Since the level of awareness in this area is low, and the risk of receiving a fine from the Commission is high, we see a large area within which we can help our clients through education and continual consulting.
We have been accumulating expertise in this area since Peterhof was founded, and thus have valuable experience developed from praxis. We have worked on a number of cases concerning abuse of dominant market position, restrictive agreements both horizontal and vertical in nature, as well as cases of applying for forbidden agreements and concentrations. Our team, guided by knowledge and accumulated experience, can create and implement an integral Antitrust Compliance program for your company, but also, through continual consulting, answer many specific client questions. Some of the questions we frequently face are: Should I even be registering a concentration with the Commission, what is my relevant market, is my discount policy transparent and is it in line with my sales contract, am I a dominant player on the relevant market, are specific contract clauses anti-competitive, does this agreement have to be registered with the Commission so that is excluded from a prohibition, and many others.